The Credit Crunch Survival Kit

You have at your fingertips the knowledge you’ll need to begin your journey to financial freedom, and to begin laying a foundation for a more secure financial future. This book will also give you a step-by-step plan to change your spending habits, stop struggling to pay down your debts, and start living the way you always wanted to live. It will also give you a guide for debt elimination or settlement, including example debt settlement letters and agreements.
Let’s face it. Credit card debt and other consumer debt have become such a common part of our modern life today that many of us live with unnecessary financial pressure on our budgets without realizing that we’ve unknowingly entered a financial survival zone.
I assume you have some debt, or you wouldn’t be reading the description of this book. You may be one of the millions who feel they have no choice but to try to survive by using consumer credit? Or you may be trying to recover from a financial setback

See also  The Complete Debt Relief Manual
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